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Before shipment, we will send detailed photos and videos for customer confirmation. If the customer is not satisfied, we will replace the watch and resend QC. Upon receipt, if the wrong watch was sent or there was an error caused by us, please contact us to arrange a return. Prior to returning the item, please contact us. Note that the watch must have no changes in appearance, including any packaging or protective film, otherwise, we cannot accept it for return or resale.
Product Replacement
We will replace your order with the same item (or as discussed) under the following conditions:
Warranty Terms and Conditions
We provide a 3-month warranty for each watch, starting from the date of QC approval.
Within the warranty period, we offer two service options:
Note: Do not return items without prior notice! This is very important. Before you return the item, we will provide detailed shipping information, including the address of the shipping agent and how to safely package the item for protection.
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