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We can ship worldwide except to countries like India and Russia and offer fast and diverse shipping options.
As all know that high-quality replicas are all manufactured in China. Shipping replicas globally can be challenging due to differing customs regulations in each country. However, with our years of experience, we have developed secure and effective methods to ensure safe delivery.
Our experienced shipping agents, who have partnered with us for many years, know the best practices for safely shipping replicas. This approach is both cost-effective and timely. Depending on the destination, we may use different logistics companies to ensure maximum safety for your package. We offer two shipping methods for you to choose from:
Package Tracking
We’ll give you the tracking number before we ship. Once available, you can track your package directly on our website:
This service provides tracking information from various carriers, including DHL, EMS, Hong Kong Post, FedEx, TNT, UPS, and more.
Customs Duties
We will declare a lower value on your package to help minimize customs charges. However, you may still receive a customs duty notice. We are not responsible for any taxes or duties incurred during customs clearance in your country; buyers are responsible for these charges. If your customs office requires a tax identification number (e.g., in South Korea, Brazil, etc.), please provide this before we ship, and we will include it on the invoice.
Common Shipping Issues
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